Back to Business: Cleaning Strategies for Hybrid Workspaces after Summer 

As employees return from their summer holidays, your company’s operations are likely settling back to normal. For many businesses, this "normal" is a hybrid work model - where some employees are back in the office full-time, while others continue to work remotely or split their time between home and the office. This flexible approach to work has its perks, but it also brings unique challenges when it comes to keeping your workspace clean, organised, and safe. 

How can you adapt? 

With fewer employees in the office every day, traditional cleaning schedules may no longer be effective or necessary. However, maintaining a clean environment is still crucial, especially for the well-being of those in-house. High-traffic areas like meeting rooms, kitchens, and communal spaces still need frequent attention, and targeted sanitation in these spaces ensures they’re ready for anyone who might come in. 

One of the key strategies for adapting to a hybrid work environment is adopting a flexible, on-demand cleaning schedule. Instead of daily deep cleans, focus on specific areas that see regular use. For example, desk spaces and equipment might only need weekly cleaning if they're being used by different staff members on alternating days. High-touch surfaces, such as door handles, coffee machines, and elevator buttons, should be disinfected more regularly to prevent the spread of germs, especially with the flu season approaching. 

Another consideration is communicating cleaning practices to staff. Employees who come into the office may feel uncertain about how safe their workspace is. By sharing your cleaning protocols and highlighting the steps you’re taking to maintain a hygienic environment, you can ease concerns and show employees that their health and safety are top priorities. 

Hybrid work also presents an opportunity to rethink cleaning beyond just surface-level dirt. With fewer people in the office, it’s an ideal time to schedule deeper cleaning tasks that might be harder to do with a full staff present. Carpet cleaning, window washing, and HVAC system maintenance can all be performed more efficiently when the office is quieter. 

Ultimately, hybrid workspaces require a shift in how we think about cleanliness. By adapting your cleaning schedule and targeting key areas of concern, you can ensure a safe, welcoming environment for employees, whether they’re in the office every day or just a few times a week. 

 heOutsource your office cleaning to Regimental Cleaning for reliable, high-quality results. Our flexible cleaning services are tailored to meet the needs of hybrid workspaces, ensuring your office is spotless and safe. Let us handle the cleaning so your team can focus on what matters most - growing your business.