How to choose new industrial cleaning products

Do you own a large business or warehouse where cleanliness is a top priority? Perhaps you go through a lot of cleaning products and are looking for the best value for money? Below is a list of things to look for in your industrial cleaning products. However, we do recommend you contact commercial cleaning professionals to help you decipher which products would be suitable to use for your business. Some products contain chemicals that shouldn’t be handled by anyone other than cleaning professionals.


What types of cleaners are there?

There are three main types of cleaner: Water-based, solvent-based, and water-soluble solvent-based.

Your water-based cleaners are liquid, and they usually come in a large tub or container. Products on the more acidic side of the pH scale are ideal for removing mineral stains, such as hard-water build up, rust, or soap scum. Contrastingly, products on the more alkaline side of the pH scale are better suited for removing fats, such as grease, wax, and oil.

Your solvent-based cleaners use chemicals as their main ingredients. They can be divided into two categories. There are solvent-based cleaners designed to clean chrome, steel, or wood. Then, there are other solvent-based cleaners which are multi-purpose.

Your water-soluble solvent-based cleaners are a hybrid of the above two. Chemicals are their main ingredient, however they do dissolve in water. These cleaners are excellent to have in your supply closet, as they can clean mineral stains, remove fats, and clean a multitude of other stains and dirt.


Key factors of a cleaning product:

Temperature: Ensure that the product does not require extremely hot water to be effective, or any other unusual specifications.

Time: Does the cleaner get to work immediately, or does it need to be left on the surface for a period of time?

Chemical concentration: How strong is the cleaner? Will you need to wear protective clothing to handle it?

Action: How does the product work? Does it need to be scrubbed into the stain, or simply washed over?


How to know which products to buy?

You’ve chosen which type of cleaner you need, and you’ve examined its key factors. Now what? There are lots of industrial cleaners on the market which can make choosing one very overwhelming. Here are some points to consider when making your decision:

Buy enough to go around: If you own a large warehouse or store, you’ll want to bulk-buy the product. This will be cheaper in the long run, and you’ll hopefully never run out.

Invest: Some of these products are not cheap, so you want to buy one that will work for you. If you find a product that is 100% suited to your business, then this is an investment. You’ll save a lot of money over time, because you know it works.

Efficiency: Even if there is a product on the market that you’re really tempted to buy, but you know you’ll only use it a handful of times, don’t do it! You’ll waste your money experimenting with something that probably won’t work for you. Instead, buy products which you know you’ll use frequently, and consider buying multi-purpose products to save on money.

Or, if you are unsure of which products you think are best suited to your business, contact us today and we can help – after all, it’s what we do best.