Productivity and perception: how a clean workplace can benefit your business

Since the emergence of the coronavirus outbreak in 2020, cleanliness in the workplace has become as important as ever, but how can this benefit your business? Business owners are often preoccupied with management tasks and providing a clean workplace may not always be at the forefront of their minds.  

Our team at Regimental Cleaning Services are on hand to remove the headache of ensuring your workplace is in tiptop shape, so you can focus on getting the best out of your business.  

Here are just some of the ways that a clean workplace can benefit your business:  


Ensuring employee safety is paramount in the age of COVID-19 and at Regimental Cleaning Services, our services aim to reduce the risk of transmission through regular deep cleaning. This will help reduce the number of sick days taken by employees, boosting productivity.  

Similarly, if your business caters to the general public, you have an obligation to provide a safe environment and our services can help you achieve that.  

Our five-step plan to reduce covid risk can be accessed here.  

Better concentration 

Employees that are subjected to cluttered or dirty workplaces are more likely to feel overwhelmed and anxious, as outlined in Psychology Today. Regular cleaning and upkeep of the workplace will reduce stress as negative stimuli will be removed, resulting in less distractions and improved focus on the task at hand.  

Motivation and morale 

Providing a clean working environment for employees represents action and responsibility, which aid in boosting motivation and morale.  

Many businesses are now deploying flexible working arrangements and with more and more people working from home, coming into a clean and de-cluttered environment creates a change in dynamic that will boost motivation and morale.  

Improving customer satisfaction  

Although ensuring that workplaces are fit for employees is important, considering potential customers and visitors is also vital.  

Customers have an expectation of how businesses should operate and cleanliness is a huge part of that. Creating positive impressions through regular cleaning will promote a welcoming atmosphere and project professionalism to those visiting your premises.  

Conversely, negative perceptions are longer lasting and can be hard to reverse. Think about a potential customer who is considering your products or services, they may reconsider if they visit your premises and it is not being cared for adequately.  

Commercial Cleaning Services 

At Regimental Cleaning Services, we take pride in helping businesses thrive by providing high quality cleaning services. Get in touch today to find out more about our services, call 07983 109026 or email