Protect your workplace against the “flu wave”

As autumn approaches and we begin to enter flu season, many business owners will be looking for ways to ensure that their workplaces are not affected by flu during the winter months.  

A recent article in The Express warned that a “flu wave” could sweep the UK in September, so it is important that business owners ensure that their workplaces do not suffer as a result of this. Winter flu is an extremely transmissible virus which is why most of us will inevitably get it during the colder weather, but regular deep cleaning of a workplace, school or home is the best way to reduce transmission and become the best line of defence against its spread. 

Germs can be transferred from surfaces to hands, and vice versa, as well as transmitted through the air, but can also survive on various surfaces in your premises. This is why it is crucial to target frequently touched areas during deep cleans, especially during flu season. These areas include:  

Areas of focus:  

  • Desks, work tops and countertops 

  • Sinks, toilet seats and handles 

  • Computer keyboards 

  • Doorknobs and light switches 

  • Workplace appliances (kettle, microwaves etc) 

We have outlined a more extensive list of particular areas of interest in a previous blog, which you can read here.  

The main reason why cleaning is important during flu season is to act as the first line of defence against the virus, stopping its multiplication in its tracks. Some viruses can live on surfaces for up to two hours, which is why disinfecting is a crucial step of any cleaning routine. Disinfecting differs from cleaning or sanitising as it involves specific products involved in the removal of pathogens and disease-causing microorganisms. For more on the differences between cleaning, disinfecting and sanitising, click here.  

Similarly, viruses can live on moist surfaces such as bathroom sinks for up to three days, so these types of surfaces will need to be regularly addressed in order to eliminate viral matter and disinfect the area.  

Improving the quality of air of a premises is also a reason to consider regular deep cleaning, as poor air quality will allow germs to multiply at a quicker rate. Regular and thorough cleaning is crucial to keep the air quality at an optimum level, so that germs cannot multiply.  

Employing a cleaning company during flu season is the best approach to protecting your workplace. The reason being that commercial cleaners have the expertise, knowledge, equipment, and specific supplies necessary to effectively clean and disinfect your workplace. 

In addition to reducing staff absences, providing a clean workplace can also improve productivity and concentration as well as improving customer satisfaction and promoting a positive perception of your business.  

For more information on our commercial cleaning packages, you can get in touch here.