Society’s solidarity reminds me of service days

As a former soldier, I have often been asked over recent months how the current crisis that we are facing as a society compares with some of the situations and environments I faced when serving in the British Army.

While there are clearly many differences and it can be dangerous to compare the trials of lockdown and a pandemic with those of battle and war, it is also true that there are some similarities. For me, the biggest of all is the solidarity that we have seen emerge as a result of the adversity we face.

Indeed, whilst serving in the British Army for nearly a decade I witnessed first-hand (and ultimately overcome) many difficult and challenging situations. So did many of the veterans that we now employ here at Regimental Cleaning Services.

As a company owner and employer, however, I can say that some of the challenges we face now day-to-day are comparable both in terms of the potential threat and the logistical challenges we face as a result of restrictions on our movements.

The British Army is very good at overcoming logistical challenges – and working hard. At Regimental Cleaning Services, we have needed every bit of that mindset and spirit in recent months, especially on some of our bigger projects preparing large field hospitals to open to start taking COVID-19 patients.

These are unprecedented times for all. But the biggest similarity for me is in the solidarity we have seen emerge from society as a whole to help fight this pandemic. From people’s willingness to comply with government guidelines and restrictions to their readiness to selflessly help others when needed.

Perhaps it is not a coincidence that the man who has come to represent the best of this struggle and inspire a nation in the process – Captain (soon to be Sir) Tom Moore – is also a war veteran. In walking to raise money for the NHS before his 100th birthday he embodied everything good that has emerged from this crisis.

In equal measure, I couldn't be prouder of the troops at Regimental Cleaning Services and everyone else involved in the fight against this pandemic. Together and alongside some of our key clients including Kier and TRJ, we have united and showed solidarity to get through this – together.

Ian Williams, Managing Director, Regimental Cleaning Services

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