The difference between cleaning, sanitising and disinfecting

The words cleaning, sanitising and disinfecting are often used interchangeably, but their definitions are surprisingly different and require alternative solutions in order to achieve their purpose.  

In this blog, we outline the differences between these cleaning solutions and what areas are typically addressed for each one.  


Cleaning is the removal of debris and organic substances from surfaces. It does not require any high level equipment or products and is seen typically at home.  

A clean workplace is not only more hygienic for employees, but portrays a positive image to potential clients or visitors to your premises.  

Surfaces that need regular cleaning:  

  • Floors 

  • Windows 

  • Desks 

  • Door handles 


Sanitising involves reducing the concentration of bacteria in an area and removing any contaminants that may cause illness. Sanitising is used in places where high levels of bacteria might accumulate, and is often used alongside basic cleaning to completely remove bacteria and other unwanted particles – like viruses. Regular sanitising is also important to conform with standardised health and safety guidelines, especially during cold and flu seasons.  

Areas that need to be sanitised include:  

  • Any surface that comes into contact with food 

  • Bathrooms and communal washrooms 


Disinfecting is used typically in hospital environments as it involves the complete removal of pathogens and disease-causing microorganisms. Sometimes disinfecting is used in office deep cleans and in domestic properties at the end of a tenancy agreement.  

Disinfecting is more widely adopted now due to the COVID-19 outbreak, as killing bacteria and infectious pathogens as early as possible is the best way to irradicate any viral matter and this solution provides the most thorough clean. Our previous blog talks about this in more depth, which you can access here.  

At Regimental Cleaning Services our commercial cleaning service provides a bespoke package to fit in with your business’s needs and schedule. Our specialist equipment and our military precision will make sure that your business is clean and safe for everyone.  

Get in touch with us today, email: or call 07983 109026.