Top 5 professional cleaning tips to prepare your business to reopen

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed life as we know it. With the UK’s vaccination programme progressing daily, preparations are well underway for many businesses to reopen. We have therefore put together our top 5 tips to help you prepare your business for reopening safely.

Make a plan

Before reopening you’ll need to make a plan. This should include what needs to be cleaned and how often. Once that’s decided, you can go ahead and get your cleaning supplies. A detailed plan will help you to be as organised as possible for reopening. 

Keep employees clean and safe

Supplying your employees with antibacterial washes and PPE will help to keep them safe, and in addition help to keep the environment as germ free as possible. Using automatic soap or antibacterial gel dispensers may be a better option in comparison to a manually operated one, as it helps your business to be as contact free as possible.

Regular cleaning

Everything needs to be cleaned regularly such as desks and keyboards. Remember some objects may need to be cleaned more often such as card machines, due to it being handled frequently by many people. Train employees on cleaning best-practice to ensure that everything is being cleaned properly with the correct products. Just like providing soap, you’ll also need to offer cleaning supplies such as sprays or wipes to visitors in order to keep surfaces clean and germ and virus free.

Reduce shared objects and spaces

Try not to have objects or spaces that employees need to share. This will help to keep any infectious pathogens from spreading. Also, if you work in a retail environment, make sure that there are floorplans and notices in place to ensure customers safety.

Deep clean

Have a deep clean of your whole building before you reopen. While all these cleaning tips will help to maintain a safe environment, a deep clean will allow you to reopen with confidence.

At Regimental Cleaning Services we can give your business that deep clean it needs. Our specialist equipment and our military precision will make sure that your business opens clean and safe for everyone.

Get in touch with us today, email: or call 07983 109026