7 office cleaning hacks

An office can be a hectic and often untidy environment. Unclean working environments can have a negative impact on employee morale and productivity, as well as give a poor impression to visitors and customers. Our previous blog outlines how a clean workplace can improve your business, which you can read here.  

If you struggle with keeping your office space clean, don’t worry, we have compiled some quick and easy cleaning hacks for you.  

1. Invest in a handheld vacuum  

This may be an obvious one, but it seems like everything in an office has the potential to attract dust. Invest in a handheld vacuum to keep on top of dirt and dust on a daily basis. It can also get into those otherwise hard to reach areas. 

2. Use sticky notes to clean in-betweens 

Post-it notes are very useful in an office environment - but for more than you think. Use the sticky side of the post-it notes to reach in between your keyboard keys, which can be one of the most annoying areas to clean and a haven for crumbs, dust and dirt. 

3. Clean blinds with vinegar and a sock 

A quick cleaning hack for shutters and plastic blinds, as well as removing fingerprints. Simply dampen a sports sock with a half water half vinegar solution and wipe over once a week. Quick and easy! 

4. Microfiber cloths for quick results 

Microfiber cloths are ideal for quick clean-ups. They are lint-free and non-abrasive, so you can clean your desk, computer screen and other furnishings without having to worry about damage. You should never use antibacterial wipes to clean electrical equipment, so a microfiber cloth is the ideal replacement.  

5. Use chair mats  

Office carpets can take a beating with constant footfall and the movement of office chairs and furniture. Investing in chair mats will help the area around your desk to be clean and presentable.  

6. Schedule a kitchen rota 

This will ensure that the task of cleaning the kitchen is done daily, or weekly, to prevent the buildup of mess. Creating the rota is the easy bit, making sure people stick to it is the hard part!  

7. Hire a professional cleaning company 

The best way to ensure that your office is in tip-top shape is to hire us! Using a professional cleaning company is vital to ensure professional results and hygiene compliance. We ensure that every job is met with military precision and dedication, allowing you to focus on what matters - your business.  

At Regimental Cleaning, our industrial and commercial cleaning service provides a tailored package to cater to your business’ needs and schedule. We offer a wide range of bespoke commercial cleaning services across South Wales, so get in touch with us today!   

Email: info@regimentalcleaningservices.com or call 07983 109026.