Exploring 70 years of Royal military history

Celebrating Her Majesty’s 70 years of service 

We are proudly supporting Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Head of the Armed Forces, as she celebrates her Platinum Jubilee Year. 

The highlight of the celebration is The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration Weekend, starting on 2nd June. The Platinum Jubilee marks Her Majesty’s 70th year in power, the first monarch to achieve this milestone.  

The Royal Family have always had connections with the Armed Forces for centuries and continue to do so. Many Royals have served in the Armed Forces including the Queen herself.  

The Queen joined the Auxiliary Territorial Services in 1945 and was the first female member of the royal family to actively serve in the armed forces. The Queen joined at the age of nineteen and joined the transport division where she undertook a motor mechanics course, which spurred her love of driving began. 

As part of the Jubilee celebration, A new medal is being awarded to mark the Platinum Jubilee is being awarded to serving members of the Armed Forces and recipients of the George and Victoria Cross. The Platinum Jubilee medal, designed to thank its recipients for their public service.  

You can read more about the new medal here.  

Many Royal Family members have also served, including Prince Charles, who served in the Royal Navy and trained with the Royal Air Force and was awarded his RAF wings at Cranwell in August of 1971. 

Prince William served as a Regimental Officer in the British Army and had attachments to the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy and in September of 2008 he trained to become a full-time pilot with Search and Rescue. 

Prince Harry also served in the military for ten years and rose to the rank of captain and saw active service on two separate tours in Afghanistan.  

Prince Andrew was a Naval Officer and was awarded his pilots wings in 1981 and as a Royal Navy sub-lieutenant flew helicopter missions in the Falkland Island War, reached the rank of vice admiral in 2015 after retiring in 2001. 

The Royal Family has an extensive past in the military to present have a strong bond with the Armed Forces that continues to grow.  

We too have a strong bond to the Armed Forces and do our utmost to support the veteran community where we can. We have a strong track record of hiring from within the veteran community, as well as those who share the same core values, which is important to us.  

Read about how we instil a military work ethic in our staff here.  

To make sure that your business is cleaned with military precision, contact us today on info@regimentalcleaningservices.com or call 07983 109026.