Make your office “greener”

As an organisation, we are committed to reducing our environmental impact, which remains one of our top priorities. In this blog, we hope to inspire those of you working in office environments to help the planet and make your workplace “greener”. Here are some top tips to make your office greener:

1.      Create a sustainability team

Appointing a dedicated sustainability team or individual can both raise awareness and accomplish more, as you have a concentrated focus on the issues. Projects for this team could include starting or implementing a more successful recycling program or informing purchase decisions on energy-efficient appliances and green cleaning supplies.

2.      Introduce green challenges

Weekly, monthly, or yearly challenges are a fun way of combining healthy competition in the workplace while focusing on going green. An example of this could be cycling or walking to work, logging who used the least petrol that month.

3.      Save electricity

Though this is an obvious one, many workplaces do not consider saving electricity on a day-to-day basis. You could implement an “everything-off-at-night" rule, where all outlets must be off each evening. Those who fail to cooperate or forget should donate to a “Green Jar”, and this could be spent on an end of year celebration.

Installing sensored lights is another great way to save electricity, as that way, bulbs will not be on in vacant rooms and energy will be prioritised in the more popular areas of the building.

4.      Use less paper

Introduce digital alternatives to communication, document signing and reviewing that are purely digital. Printed documents contribute to 90% of all office waste, so printing less in general terms will help in the long run, as well as getting into the habit of reviewing documents digitally, rather than printing them out.

5.      Maximise natural light

Relying more on natural light where you can will also save energy. Indoor light is said to be a disruptor at times and increasing natural light in the workplace will not only help with reducing energy consumption, but also provides both health and productivity benefits.

Employees working near sunlit windows have increased production, reduced eye strain and fewer headaches. For more information on the benefits of natural light, click here.

As part of helping the environment, we have recently set up our Clean is Green campaign, which allows our staff to litterpick during downtimes as a way of combatting litter problems. Read about the aims of this campaign here.

Our industrial and commercial cleaning service provides a tailored package to cater to your business’ needs and schedule. We offer a wide range of bespoke commercial cleaning services across South Wales, so get in touch with us today!  

Email: or call 07983 109026.