Office winter deep cleaning tips

Christmas time typically goes hand in hand with the fun of office parties and celebrations, but cleaning up after the Christmas party is a task that many meet with dread.  

Here are a few office cleaning tips to make sure you return to a clean and tidy workplace after the Christmas break.  


Empty bins  

Make sure all the bins are emptied so that they don’t present an unpleasant sight and odor in your office. Neglecting bin disposal and improper bin cleaning will breed germs that could risk the health of your employees, and escalate if left until you return in the New Year.  

Remove left over food 

After your Christmas party, it’s necessary to make sure that your refrigerators, dishes, sinks, and other items involved with serving food and drinks are clean. This is to prevent the buildup of mould and bacteria.  

Pay attention to high contact areas 

A thorough cleaning of countertops, washbasins, and urinals in your office washrooms is necessary to eliminate all germs and bacteria and make sure the toilets are safe to reuse. Make sure to reach the high contact areas such as the office kettle, telephones, and door handles.  

Consistently disinfecting on surfaces where germs breed will decrease the chances of viruses spreading, as well as maintaining the high quality of health and safety of your employees. 

Wash windows  
During winter, the major challenge at this time is ice and snow sticking on windows. Frequently washing the windows will prevent ice and snow damage as well as dirt build up, maximising the natural light coming into the building.  

Clean Your Lights 

This winter deep cleaning tip may seem like an odd one, but cleaning your lights regularly can be greatly beneficial for your office environment. Although they are often neglected, sufficiently cleaned lights can offer effective levels of visibility for your employees in an office setting.  

This is especially important during the winter months as the hours of light decrease significantly. As such, by successfully maintaining and removing grime and dust away from your light sources, you can improve the level of light throughout your office environment so that it can benefit your employees on a day-to-day basis. 


Contact Regimental Cleaning Services 

We take pride in helping businesses thrive by providing high-quality cleaning services ensuring your workplace is in immaculate condition when employees return in the New Year. To find out more about our services and how we can guarantee that your workplace remains hygienic, call 07983 109026 or email