Poisoning, pests, pay-outs: 6 reasons deep cleaning commercial kitchens makes sense

A clean, hygienic kitchen is essential in food preparation, cooking and serving to the public. We take a look at what a deep clean is, and several reasons why deep cleaning is imperative for your commercial site.

What is a deep clean?

A deep clean is a professional standard of cleaning that is more extensive than everyday cleaning tasks. It is usually used in commercial settings where hygiene standards need to be met and there is contact with the pubic.
In this sense, a kitchen deep clean would be used to provide a safe and hygienic space for employees and customers. Our previous blog, which outlines the differences between domestic and commercial cleaning, highlights the fact that commercial cleaning often needs specialised, commercial grade equipment and products in order to complete a thorough clean. Commercial cleaning in a kitchen setting will involve specialised products used to de-scale, de-grease and remove carbon deposits.

Why should you deep clean?

Minimise the spread of Coronavirus

In 2021, this is imperative in order to provide safe working conditions and ensure the health and safety of employees and guests. Cleaning services now have to include coronavirus measures in order to reduce transmission, minimise risk and comply with government guidelines.

Increase your overall hygiene

Deep cleaning involves paying extra attention to areas that are not normally focused on during regular cleans. The added time and care ensures dirt and debris are fully cleared. Within a kitchen setting, the following would be some areas addressed in a deep clean:

  • All equipment, such as; ovens, fryers, microwaves and counters

  • Food preparation surfaces, sinks and dishwashers

  • Ceilings, walls and floors

  • Refrigeration units and freezers

Reduce the risk of food borne diseases and pests

Food borne illnesses are a huge risk in the kitchen, but more so in a commercial sense. An outbreak of food poisoning or the like can cause irreversible damage to a business’ reputation, possibly leading to legal battles and compensation pay-outs. A regular deep clean vastly reduces the risk of food borne illnesses such as E. coli, Norovirus and Salmonella.

Pests are also an issue for mismanaged commercial kitchens. Stagnant food waste and bacteria build up will attract rodents and insects. Identifying high-risk areas and addressing these within a deep clean will mitigate any pest infestations developing.

Ensure compliance with health regulations

Compliance with health and safety regulations is important in reducing risk and protecting both employees and the public. The regulations are developed by local authorities, the food standards agency, trading standards and are monitored by environmental health officers. These organisations have a responsibility to ensure that these regulations are met, and can enforce closures if they are not.

Keep equipment working correctly

The majority of the equipment in a commercial kitchen is specialised, industry standard and thus a large investment for businesses. A regular and thorough deep cleaning programme is essential to protect the high value equipment and preserve the life of the equipment.

Increase customer confidence and reputation

Providing a clean environment for food preparation and dining spaces will create happy customers as well as happy employees.

As specialists in deep cleaning, Regimental can ensure that your premises is in pristine condition and in compliance with industry regulations! Click here for our contact information.