Seven of the dirtiest items found in your office

It is said that your office desk contains more than 400 times more germs than a toilet seat. An astonishing figure considering that we typically think of our toilet as the primary hotbed for germs. This is according to a study carried out by The University of Arizona’s Dr. Charles Gerba, a professor of microbiology and germ expert who also identified the dirtiest items you will find in an office environment.  

The study involved separating office workers into two groups. The first group used disinfecting wipes to clean their desks, computers etc., and the other didn’t. Within two days, the group using the wipes were found to have a 99.9% reduction in bacteria levels.  

The best way to combat the accumulation of bacteria is consistent and thorough cleaning as well as general hygiene principles. At Regimental Cleaning Services, we take the hassle of keeping your workplace clean from you, providing industrial and commercial cleaning solutions for businesses and ensuring that bacteria doesn’t have an opportunity to buildup.  

If bacteria is allowed to buildup it can cause issues in the workplace, as outlined in our previous blog: why industrial cleaning is vital for your business.  

Here are some of the dirtiest items that can be found in your office:  

1. Water Cooler  

More specifically, the handle of the water cooler is said to harbour 2.7million germs per square inch which takes the top spot. This is due to its communal nature, a pattern with the majority of this list.  


2. Office Refrigerator 

This should not come as too much of a shock, as many office refrigerators are home to gone-off sandwiches and stale milk. On average, an office fridge should be cleared and cleaned every two days as 7 in 10 domestic fridges contain harmful bacteria.  


3. Microwave 

The number of germs present on a communal microwave can differ depending on the number of employees at your business. An average office microwave can be used up to 30 times each day and acts as a nest for bacteria due to the warmth, food particles and moisture present in this spot.  


4. Soap Dispenser 

It is a common perception that public toilets are a hive for bacteria, and office toilets are no different. Already a place where bacteria will be present, your office toilet, and particularly the soap dispenser is a breeding ground for bacteria, and even Dr. Gerba himself said that following using a communal dispenser “you get more fecal bacteria on your hands than if you stuck your hands in the toilet”.  


5. Office Desk 

Another staggering statistic from the same study is that, on average, the area on your desk where your hand/arm rests is said to have 10,000,000 bacteria. Yes, you read that right. 


6. Keyboard and Mouse 

The keyboard and mouse are notorious for harbouring bacteria, which can form through the buildup of skin cells, food residue and sweat. Due to the consistent activity, and concentrated to such a small area, your keyboard and mouse has been estimated to have more than 3,000 bacteria per square inch. 


7. Printer and Copier 

This is arguably one of the most communal areas of the office, and one that cannot be avoided in some cases. In particular, the interface/touchpad, which is said to be touched around 300 times a day.  


These communal areas of your office will also be a breeding ground for the COVID-19. As part of mitigating its spread, these areas should therefore be focused on when undertaking a deep clean. Additionally, compliance with health and safety regulations is imperative in reducing risk and protecting both employees and the public.  

Using a professional cleaning company is vital to ensure professional results and compliance. For all of your industrial and commercial cleaning needs, contact us today by calling 07983 109026 or emailing