Should office cleaning change for hybrid working?

With the emergence of hybrid working, a work style that allows employees to work from different locations, businesses have had to adapt their processes in order to accommodate the new model. Cleaning will also come into the equation, with less footfall and employees in an office, the question is: should office cleaning change in offices adopting hybrid working?

At Regimental Cleaning Services, we think it is vitally important to keep up your cleaning schedule, even in a hybrid model. You may change the timing, but regular cleaning needs to be a part of any business office plans. Find out why below.

Keeping staff healthy

Regular cleaning ensures that all staff and visitors will be entering a clean and safe environment. Though your office may not be consistently full of staff, air contamination is also an important factor for business owners to consider for those who do use the office, and regular and thorough cleaning will prevent any bacteria from accumulating and affecting the air quality.

Failure to remove viruses can lead to increased sick days and a decrease in productivity. Again, regular cleaning that is completed by fully-trained professionals will minimise this risk.

COVID has not gone away

Cleaning services now include coronavirus measures in order to reduce transmission, minimise risk and comply with government guidelines. COVID is still an issue that cannot be disregarded, so consistent cleaning will also contribute to reducing its presence in the workplace.

Dust and dirt do not work on a hybrid schedule

For those who do come into the office, regular deep cleaning vastly reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses such as E. coli, Norovirus and Salmonella. Stagnant bacteria build-up will also attract rodents and insects, so identifying high-risk areas and addressing these with a regular deep clean will mitigate any pest infestations developing.

Increasing customer confidence and reputation

Providing a clean environment will also create happy customers as well as happy employees. Providing a clean and sanitised workplace is still essential even with hybrid working environments, and can provide further benefits for your business. We outlined this in our previous blog: Productivity and perception: how a clean workplace can benefit your business.

Office cleaning that works around you

We ensure that every job is met with military precision and dedication, allowing you to focus on what matters, your business. Poorly maintained environments will have a negative impact on operations and the perception of your business, and may deter customers if not addressed regularly.

Using a professional cleaning company is vital to ensure professional results and compliance with health regulations. Call 07983 109026 today – and find out how we can conduct a thorough clean at your office, without disrupting your business.