Unveiling our Clean is Green Campaign

Here at Regimental Cleaning Services, we are delighted to launch a new campaign we have conceived designed to put the business community at the heart of taking responsibility for the keeping the local area clean and tidy. 

Led by our founder Ian Williams, we are committing to making our staff available for litter picking or other cleaning duties in local public areas including beaches in any downtime they have during work hours. 

We are also calling on other businesses to make a similar commitment. We believe this initiative will help put the responsibility for keeping local areas tidy firmly back with communities, which should help reduce litter overall. 

All of the team at Regimental are keen to help tackle a problem that has become especially bad in certain public areas during lockdown and the pandemic. 

We believe a big impact can be made if the local community – in the form of workers from local businesses – take pride in keeping the local area clean and taking responsibility for this growing problem. 

Ian Williams, said:

“By doing this, we hope local businesses and their staff will take ownership of this issue and educate the minority of people who feel that littering is acceptable. The reality is, would you drop litter if you knew one of your family members will be cleaning it up at work?  

“Would you drop litter and leave broken glass on the beach if you saw people carry out litter picks and cleaning up after your mess? We hope the answer is no, and we hope that through our Clean is Green initiative, Regimental Cleaning Services can do its bit to tackle the litter problem in South Wales.  

“For Regimental, this initiative sits at the heart of what we do and what we stand for as a business. Yes, we are a cleaning business but the way we go about that, in every sense, from the chemicals we use to the way we dispose of waste, also puts the environment first. 

“We do our bit in ensuring to recycle and use environmentally friendly and organic materials; And, to tackle the litter problem in South Wales, we will complete litter picking operations in our downtime.  

“Of course, the main aim of this operation will be to clean the parks and beaches, but another one of our essential objectives will be to educate. Some people simply do not understand the harm in littering.  

“We hope that by dedicating staff to litter picking and raising awareness of the issues, other companies will follow suit and clean the environment around their workplaces. That motto Green is Clean sums up our ethos and I very much hope more businesses will follow our lead.

“From what we have learnt, we want to educate and prevent litter in the first place, and we want the people of South Wales to understand the power they have in making a change.  

Let us keep South Wales clean.”