A clean, hygienic kitchen is essential in food preparation, cooking and serving to the public. We take a look at what a deep clean is, and several reasons why deep cleaning is imperative for your commercial site.
Proud to support grassroots football
Clean is Green campaign: the litter problem in South Wales
Proud to support ABF The Soldiers’ Charity
Launch of our Clean is Green Initiative
How to choose the right cleaning company for your premises
Cleanliness in all work environments is essential to promote a positive work environment, safety and comfort of staff and, in many cases, customer and client satisfaction too. When selecting a cleaning service for your business, it’s important to ensure the company is a good fit for your particular needs and expectations.
Unveiling our Clean is Green Campaign
Why your business needs a commercial cleaning service
Five-step plan to reduce the COVID-19 risk at your business
Following the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccine, 2021 is already seeing a gradual return to the workplace. In the wake of previous lockdowns, the UK Government launched a five-step programme to encourage this return to work, which included: staying home where applicable, carrying out risk assessments, promoting social distancing, reducing transmission where social distancing is not possible and finally, reinforcing cleaning processes.